I live on Burnet Ave. The Econolodge that resides on ### James St has it's parking lot and trash disposal area butting up against the backside of its property on Burnet Ave. I guess they don't have much respect for those of us around its back end. Apparently, form the evidence of this picture. The Econolodge folks feel it is ok to simply blow their garbage onto the sidewalk and street that I use on a daily basis.
Oh well, I guess if they do not have to look at or have it on its property then its not their responsibility any more. Well they are sorely mistaken. I went to the lobby on Saturday night after I noticed this mess, and had the desk jockey there call the manager to tell him about the problem. Unfortunately I couldn't understand 1 word of it as they were speaking Indian. But I was told it would be taken care of.

Well as of this morning (Wednesday) it's not. I think that's long enough to have your maintenance personnel, or even yourself if you are the manager, to go out and clean up your mess. 4 days is long enough for me to see this mess. Who do I talk to at the city about this?
At least the yard next door, in which much work has gone into cleanup and renovation of the previously discarded home there recently, presents some joy and beauty to our street. Beautiful little purple violets(?) popping up so sweet.
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