Monday, March 23, 2009

One More Go

I almost forgot a final issue concerning my need to better implement non-car use into my daily work life. One thing I also have to be aware of is my need to haul large items, like a conference display board and table materials like brochures, computer, etc, to events. So how can I make that easier?

Strategy #4 - Bicycle Trailer. Time to think seriously about buying, designing, building a bicycle trailer to accommodate this sort of need. I could have used this for the ESF Green Building Conference last week, as it was downtown and I wouldn't have needed to drive if I had a different way to transfer all the display items. So why not a cargo trailer for my bike. It would have to be weatherproof too though so as to not harm the papers and such inside. But it could also be used for many other things, like grocery shopping, transporting gardening materials around town, etc.

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