Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Umbrella for Hire?

I have to admit I did not give 1 iota of thought today to the fact that it might rain. I mean, it has literally been below freezing temperature-wise for the past 6-8 weeks, zilch chance of the wet stuff. So when I would head out to walk to work during this period, all I had to make sure of is that I was warm enough.

So I find myself stuck at the office, staring out the window at a constant drip, with an appointment about 15 minutes walk away coming up, and no umbrella. Where oh where did my little 'brella go, oh where oh where can it be? I know exactly where it is, at home right inside the front door of my apartment.

I recently went thrifting for bowls to eat lunch out of here at the office. We had exactly one bowl before that, I guess I'm the only one who likes bowls here. So I picked up a set and brought them in. Now I am never bowl-less at lunch time. Guess I might need to do the same with some umbrellas :>)

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